Sunday, January 22, 2012

US military chief holds talks in Israel on Iran (AP)

JERUSALEM ? The U.S. military's top general conducted an intense string of closed-door talks with Israeli leaders Friday, amid apparent disagreements between the two countries over how to respond to Iran's disputed nuclear program.

The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, and Israeli leaders kept silent about the exact content of their discussions. Dempsey was expected to urge Israel not to rush to attack Iran at a time when the U.S. is trying to rally additional global support to pressure Tehran through sanctions to dial back its nuclear program.

Dempsey met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been warning about the dangers of the Iranian nuclear program for more than a decade.

Netanyahu told Dempsey the U.S. should ratchet up sanctions against Iran to ones that would target its central bank and oil exports, the Israeli news site YNet reported. It quoted Netanyahu as saying such measures must be imposed immediately.

Following Dempsey's departure Friday evening, his spokesman, Col. David Lapan, said the meetings "served to advance a common understanding of the regional security environment."

At the start of talks with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Dempsey said the U.S. and Israel "have many interests in common in the region in this very dynamic time, and the more we can continue to engage each other, the better off we'll all be."

"There is never a dull moment, that I can promise you," Barak replied, in comments released by Barak's office.

Israel believes Iran is close to completing the technology to produce an atomic weapon. Tehran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

Israel has said it prefers employing international diplomacy to solve the problem, but it has not taken the option of a military strike off the table.

Israel considers Iran an existential threat because of its nuclear program, missile development, support of radical anti-Israel forces in Lebanon and Gaza and frequent references by its president to the destruction of the Jewish state.

In an interview published Friday in the Israeli daily Maariv, Israel's recently retired military intelligence chief Amos Yadlin, said the U.S. and Israel now agree that Iran is deliberately working slowly toward nuclear weapons, to minimize international diplomatic pressure and sanctions.

The U.S. and Israel differ about what would be considered unacceptable Iranian behavior that would require a military strike, the former chief claimed.

"While Israel defines the red line as Iran's ability and potential for a breakthrough, the Americans draw the red line a lot farther away," said Yadlin, who stepped down as intelligence chief in late 2010.

He said the Iranian nuclear program was Israel's "only existential threat," noting that in addition to the possibility of a nuclear attack from Iran, its possession of nuclear weapons would spark a regional arms race.

"In that situation, in a nuclear neighborhood, the chance grows that a nuclear weapon could slip into the hands of terrorists," Yadlin said.

Gen. Dempsey also met with Israel's military chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, and President Shimon Peres.

"I am sure that in this fight (against Iran) we will emerge victorious," Peres said to Dempsey, in comments provided by the president's office. He called Iran a "center of world terror."

Dempsey told reporters he "couldn't agree more" with Peres' "characterization of the common challenge we face."

In between the meetings, Dempsey visited Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial and museum. He wrote in its guest book, "We are committed to ensuring that such a human tragedy (as the Holocaust) never happens again." He added, "God bless the victims and protect Israel."

In the past, Netanyahu has sharply criticized Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust and has drawn parallels between the world's treatment of Iran today and its failure to act against Nazi Germany in time to save European Jewry.


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Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Breast Advice Insurance Can Buy | Heeb

An Israeli insurance company, Meuhedet,?has published a booklet designed to educate patients on ?special women?s cancer.? That?s because breast cancer is too titilating of a name to be used in haredi communities. Ovarian, uterin, and cervical cancers were offended by the euphemism, protesting, ?What? We aren?t special?!?

The totally unfunny part is that at-risk women aren?t getting the facts. Not only is the affected body part never mentioned, there are also no accurate drawings to explain how to do a breast self-examination. With breast being the most common form of cancer in Israel affecting 4,000 new female patients and 50 new male patients a year, perhaps some women out there would rather know the risks and live? Then again, there are fragile male minds to think of.

How can these men take this problem seriously if they?re too busy getting aroused by such sexy terms? Yes, a part of me understands the need for the word substitution.?Cancer is a serious matter, and I for one can?t hear the word breast without tittering like a school girl. If Meuhedet Insurance wants people to take cancer seriously, they have to treat it seriously. They can?t have patients getting distracted by tantalizing terms and provocative medical diagrams. We?re all safe from the filth for now, but if terms like breast begin to pop up, ?it?s bound to be the old slippery slope to medically accurate pornography?and immodesty is far more dangerous than cancer could ever be.


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Friday, January 20, 2012

NeowinFeed: Xbox 360 video access increased 140 percent in 2011 #microsoft #xbox360 #neowin

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

MakerBot 3D printer is the real star of this adorable stop-motion music video (Yahoo! News)

We told you a few days ago about the incredible?MakerBot Replicator, a?3D printer showcased at the 2012?Consumer Electronics Show. We knew it was awesome, we were excited about the thought of creating our own 3D objects, and then we saw this video, created by MakerBot Industries to show off some of what it can do. Trust us, this video is seriously fun.

Called "The Right Heart," it's the simple tale of a princess looking for love, and it features characters and set pieces created by the MakerBot Replicator, and a catchy song by Scary Car (Brooklyn musicians?Bryan Scary and?Giulio Carmassi). And a dragon. Just wait till you get to the dragon. We won't spoil the ending, but take our word for it, it's worth watching.

[via?The Next Web]

This article was written by Katherine Gray and originally appeared on Tecca

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 Investing Within the Stock Market ? The Alternatives

Why put your self in a position where you?re affected by the roller coaster of market volatility? By Christopher Music

With all the volatility from the stock market, have you ever wondered what alternatives are there towards the stock market?

One alternative to investing within the stock market, particularly during times of exceptional volatility is in a Fixed Index Annuity (FIA), a hybrid between a fixed and variable annuity, for long-term growth.

What is an annuity?

An annuity is an insurance item offered via insurance companies that grows tax-deferred over time and can provide a lifetime income throughout retirement.

The benefit of a fixed index annuity is that they are fixed annuities, which indicates that the principal is guaranteed and there is a guaranteed minimal rate of return on these types of accounts.

The -index- component comes in because annual returns are based in part on the cost increase of a stock index (excluding dividends), such as the S&P 500. When the market goes up, a portion of the gains on an annual basis, up to a -cap?say 5 to 10%, are locked in and credited towards the account as interest. When the marketplace falls, no losses are posted within the account.

The reason these annuities make sense for retirement planning is that the account balances can never go backward. This indicates that the market can go up, down or sideways and only gains are credited. In addition, some of these annuity contracts have riders that can create guaranteed revenue for life.

The investing landscape has changed.

This last credit crisis has confirmed some interesting facts: ?1st In order for an investor to accurately assess risk, he must know all relevant material facts regarding an investment. This is impossible when there is wide systemic misinformation or undisclosed information, resulting in a gross mispricing of risk. A good example of this is the mis-rating of mortgage-backed securities from Moody?s and Standard & Poors.

?2nd The economic experts of our government and corporate institutions were surprised this crisis occurred. If they can?t predict future economic phenomena according to mountains of data and insight at their disposal, how can an average investor have any idea what to do? The truth is the fact that it is impossible to know all from the correct data essential to successfully navigate the world-wide investment markets over the lengthy term, not to mention the long term effects of arbitrary government fiscal and monetary policy.

?3rd The costs of investing within the market through mutual funds, typically the most popular form of investing, are very high. When all costs are included like portfolio management and trading costs for starters, the costs can easily exceed 3% in actively traded funds.

?4th According to Dalbar (, the average stock market investor made the average return of 1.87% from 1988-2008, while the S&P 500 averaged 8.35%. Why? Simply because amateur investors love to sell when the marketplace is down and buy more in periods of market bubbles. Empirical evidence has proven that people react irrationally under threat of loss and can actually become unattainable at the bottom of a market in order to -prevent further losses-.

How long will it take to make up a loss?

If an investment account lost 40%, then just how much percentage return would it take to get back to even? 40%? Nope. 66%.

The percentage returns derive from smaller numbers therefore it takes more return (and for that reason more risk) to get back to even.

Some of these innovations within the insurance industry provide compelling options for the average investor. Insurance companies do one thing very well-manage risk.

Today there is more risk within the investment markets than previously due to propaganda, authoritative opinion, and downright fraud.

Why put yourself at risk?

Why put yourself in a position exactly where you?re affected by the roller coaster of marketplace volatility? How important is peace of mind knowing that your account would not lose one penny when the stock market loses half of its value? Booms and busts are part from the investment game but I would imagine that the average investor has enough to worry about rather of fretting over losses in his nest egg.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Turtle Beach XP400 wireless gaming headset hands-on -- Engadget

Turtle Beach announced a duo of new XBOX 360 and PS3 gaming headsets on day one of CES, and we were able to spend a bit of time with one of them, the XP400, on the show floor. It's Turtle Beach's flagship gaming headset, featuring adjustable Dolby 5.1 virtual surround sound, a non-A2DP dual-pairing Bluetooth radio for picking up phone calls during gaming sessions, a 15 hour rechargeable battery and dual-band 2.4/5GHZ built-in WiFi.

The actual over-the-ear pieces have a much better layout from previous models, though there are almost as many buttons as there are on the controller you'd be wielding -- with volume up / down, chat volume up / down, mute, Bluetooth pairing, limiter button and tone buttons. The included dual-band WiFi adapter that connects to your gaming console of choice is small and pretty minimalistic in design. The adjustable surround angles feature seems useful but we can't help but to feel it's a bit gimmicky -- we have a hard time figuring out which setting is better. One feature that we really like is the new Limiter function, which allows you to keep the volume relatively high to listen for those footsteps (lower in volume) but won't blow your ear drums out when a RPG rocket (explosion-like volume levels) hits you in the face. The sound was also crisp and loud as we completed our spec-op mission at the Turtle Beach gaming booth, where the headset's noise-blocking abilities proved to be particularly handy. Hit up the gallery below for a close look at the $220 gaming headset set to be available this quarter.

Joe Pollicino contributed to this report.


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Monday, January 16, 2012

Engadget rides the Board of Awesomeness, results are... awesome (video)

We showed it to you a few days ago, and now we finally got to ride Chaotic Moon's Board of Awesomeness. For those who missed it the first time around, it's an electric skateboard rigged up with a 36 volt battery and an 800 watt motor capable of hurtling you down the road at up to 32mph. It's controlled by a Kinect sensor bar and one of Samsung's Windows 8 developers tablets strapped to the deck. Interestingly enough, Chaotic Moon built the thing with little hackery -- the only hardware mod was made to connect the Kinect's power cord to the battery. You control the throttle by pushing your hand closer or further away from the Kinect, which is made possible using the sensor bar's Beta 2 SDK. A pressure switch is on the deck to kill the motor should you fall off, which is nice since the thing has no brakes -- it stops via the motor's natural drag. Kinect controls were also initially used for steering, but folks found it to be counter-intuitive, so now it turns like any other skateboard.

As you can see from the video above, our skateboarding skills aren't quite on par with Tony Hawk, but that 800 watt motor puts out a ton of torque, so starting it up took some getting used to. The control system is easy and intuitive to use and is like pushing an invisible gas pedal with your hand, though since we were riding it in a parking lot here at CES, we got nowhere near its 32mph top speed. However, we eventually got the hang of riding it at lower speeds, and would love to spend a few days learning how to properly ride it and really see what it can do. The best part? This is only version one of the Board of Awesomeness, and the company plans to create a faster one in the future -- we'll be practicing our riding skills in the meantime to get ready. We hope you enjoyed watching us get awesome, but if you want to see someone who can shred asphalt on the Board of Awesomeness, hit the video after the break.

Continue reading Engadget rides the Board of Awesomeness, results are... awesome (video)

Engadget rides the Board of Awesomeness, results are... awesome (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 13 Jan 2012 14:49:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's earnings versus Europe for stocks (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? Stock investors will return to a tug of war between signs of domestic strength and overseas concerns next week as a batch of critical earnings reports look to add credence to the idea the economy is improving, while credit rating downgrades in Europe will keep that region's difficulties in view.

Bank stocks will probably once again be a primary focus, as not only will European issues call the group's profit outlook into question, but many key names report results.

Equities have recently undergone a decoupling with respect to Europe's sovereign debt crisis as signs of progress in the euro zone, along with improving U.S. data, have pushed Wall Street higher on improved growth prospects. Financials have been a beneficiary of that rising tide, with Bank of America up 22 percent since the start of the year.

So far this month, the S&P 500 (.SPX) is up 2.5 percent, while the Dow (.DJI) is up 1.7 percent and the Nasdaq is up 4.1 percent.

"We're going to see more volatility in the weeks ahead with tension between earnings and Europe," said Christopher Sheldon, the Boston-based director of investment strategy at BNY Mellon Wealth Management, which oversees $171 billion globally.

"We want to see Europe resolved, but there will continue to be ups and downs, and while earnings will continue to be relatively good, we do expect slowing compared with 2011."

However, the uncertainty about Europe returned in a big way on Friday after Standard & Poor's downgraded the ratings of several euro-zone countries, including Italy, after the market closed. Talk of the downgrades spurred a selloff that erased most of the gains for the week, when the S&P rose for four straight sessions.

A downgrade could exacerbate the area's difficulties and bring concerns about how they might affect U.S. banks profits back to the forefront.

Still, market participants looking for signs of strength don't have to look far. Data has been bullish lately, including Friday's consumer sentiment reading at an eight-month high that sharply exceeded what was anticipated.

"The prospect of a downgrade has been around for a while, so despite today's reaction, everyone was aware of the potential, and I don't think it will be as impactful, especially as corporate business trends remain strong," said Hank Herrmann, chief executive of Waddell & Reed Financial Inc in Overland Park, Kansas.


Earnings reports from numerous bellwethers could reinforce the growth story. Bank of America Corp (BAC.N), General Electric Co (GE.N), Intel Corp (INTC.O), Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) and Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) are among the names set to report.

Early reads have supported the idea that better times lie ahead. JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) said the domestic economy was strengthening even as its profit fell 23 percent, while Alcoa Inc (AA.N) rallied earlier in the week after giving a bullish outlook for the aluminum sector.

"Banks will be an important part of the story, especially with Europe in the picture, and investors will also be looking at names like GE, which have global exposure, to see what insights can be gleaned from that," said Herrman, who helps oversee $90 billion in assets.

Next week, when markets will be closed on Monday because of the Martin Luther King holiday, will also see the release of the New York Fed's January manufacturing data, December readings on inflation from both the Producer Price Index and the Consumer Price Index, as well as December housing starts.

For the week, the Dow rose 0.5 percent while the S&P 500 gained 0.9 percent and the Nasdaq added 1.4 percent.


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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Feds alerted LA authorities in arson case

A suspect is under arrest in Los Angeles in connection with more than 50 fires that cost millions of dollars in property damage. NBC's Mike Taibbi reports.

By staff and news services

Updated at 12:29 p.m. ET:

LOS ANGELES - A?State Department official says a German man was identified as a suspect in the Los Angeles arsons because his mother was the subject of a provisional arrest request by Germany, The Associated Press reported.

Speaking on condition of anonymity because the investigations are ongoing, the official told AP on Tuesday that authorities learned about Harry Burkhart while working on?his mother's case and recognized her 24-year-old son in security video of the arson suspect.

Los Angeles authorities were alerted and Burkhart was arrested Monday.

Another federal law enforcement said Burkhart was present when his mother, Dorothee, was arrested Dec. 28 by U.S. marshals and Los Angeles police. That official spoke anonymously because the official was not authorized to discuss the case.


LOS ANGELES - A man who was arrested in connection with a string of arson fires across the Los Angeles area reportedly told police officers, "I hate America," when they put him in handcuffs on Monday.

According to a witness the suspect, 24-year-old Harry Burkhart from Germany, uttered the words as he was pulled over and arrested early Monday, L.A. Weekly reported.

Police made the arrest after a tip from federal officials who thought they recognized the grainy figure caught on a surveillance video near where a car fire was reported.

A "person of interest" detained in connection with 53 arson fires in the Hollywood area has been arrested and will be charged, officials said Monday. NBC's Mike Taibbi reports.

Burkhart was booked for investigation of arson of an inhabited dwelling. Since the arrest, firefighters have not responded to any other suspicious fires.

"Our long four-day nightmare is over," said Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky.

Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Times reported that police searched a home on West Sunset Boulevard Monday evening. According to witnesses, the search took place in a second-floor apartment above the Le Figaro Hairstyling hair salon, the Times said.

"I cut his hair just a week and a half ago," said Shlomo Elady, a stylist at the salon who told the Times Burkhart had been customer for more than a year. "I'm in shock. He's my client. I never saw any sign of trouble."

Sam Mircovich / Reuters

Los Angeles County Reserve Deputy Sheriff Shervin Lalezary (right), who spotted the now detained man driving a van, smiles as he is introduced by Sheriff Lee Baca (left) during a news conference in Los Angeles Monday.

Police declined to reveal any motive for more than 50 fires that have occurred since Friday in Hollywood, neighboring West Hollywood and the San Fernando Valley, causing about $3 million in damage.

However, the 24-year-old, who told officers he's from Frankfurt, may have been upset about his mother's legal woes.

When asked at a news conference about reports that an immigration problem with Burhkart's mother may have been a factor, authorities declined to comment.

Galina Illarionova, who lives in the same apartment complex as the suspect, told reporters through a Russian translator that an agitated Burkhart visited her Sunday and said that his mother was having some kind of legal problems.

He told her his mother was in trouble with the authorities and wanted Illarionova to attend a legal hearing with him, but he later said he didn't need her help.

'Most dangerous arsonist'
"We are very confident in this arrest, but we have a long way to go," said Police Chief Charlie Beck, who mentioned receiving information from federal authorities who recognized Burkhart from the video. They believed he had been involved in removal hearings in immigration court, but they didn't specify how he was involved.

Burkhart, who is being held without bail, was described by Sheriff Lee Baca as the "most dangerous arsonist in Los Angeles County that I can recall."

Authorities didn't know how long he's been in the United States and said he isn't cooperating with them.

The onslaught of intentionally set fires left residents on edge over the holiday weekend in some of the most densely populated areas of the city.

Hundreds of investigators, police officers and firefighters raced to deal with the blazes. Police conducted extra patrols all weekend, and the noise of helicopters and sirens persisted virtually nonstop in Hollywood.

The blazes forced many apartment dwellers from their homes. But there were no serious injuries ? one firefighter was hurt in a fall from a ladder, and another person suffered smoke inhalation.

Most of the fires began in cars, and authorities have not said how they were started.

More content from and NBC News:

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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