Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rise & Shine: Support for legal change to shield new evaluations ...

Rise & Shine: Support for legal change to shield new evaluations

  • Keeping new evaluations private would require a legal change that some officials are backing. (WSJ)
  • Teacher ratings caused many emotions. (GothamSchools,?Daily News,?WSJ,?NY1, SchoolBook, Post)
  • UFT President Michael Mulgrew attacked the ratings and the mayor. (GothamSchools, SchoolBook)
  • A study suggests that small changes could make recess much healthier for students. (GothamSchools)
  • Some of the teachers accused of misconduct recently also have low value-added scores. (Post)
  • A Queens mother says she opposes the ratings? release because the scores don?t reflect reality. (Post)
  • A Washington Heights father says he feels empowered by having teachers? ratings accessible. (Post)
  • The Post says all opposition to the ratings? release is actually opposition to accountability.
  • Proposed changes to Florida?s school grading system would yield more failing scores. (AP)

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