Wednesday, April 18, 2012

3 Off Beat Ways To Market Your Business Online | The Article ...


With the advent of the internet and its thousands of benefits, business owners have taken to virtual marketing to promote their businesses. And why not, when it costs much less than offline advertising, it?s easy to use, and quite accessible to all? Not only is it available for various markets to see, its reach is global and unlimited.

Other than Facebook and Twitter ads, there are also other various ways to market your business online.

LinkedIn. Just by creating a LinkedIn group, you can generate an amazing number of leads from high-end decision makers. How would you react when you have successfully created a sales funnel than brought in approximately 50 to 100 fresh and highly targeted leads every day? Wouldn?t that assure your family of food on the table for the next few weeks?

The secret to using LinkedIn to market effectively are the following: Add keywords in your description to increase ranking in LinkedIn?s search section Add keywords in the title of the group, for easy searching via Google Add your company website or blog to the LinkedIn group to drive traffic to your website Add your blog RSS feed to the group so every new article is automatically posted to the home page of every group member. Connect people in the group by making introductions to those who could potentially do business with one another.

All these guarantee that you will get more leads for your business. Just make sure you create a group that really targets your wanted market, in your niche. Be selective also so that you eliminate all unwanted and un-influential leads from your list/group.

Banner Advertising. Placing banner ads is still an effective way to market your business on the Internet, especially is you are aiming to promote your brand. Each impression is a visual presentation of your product or service. If you target placements of your banner ads campaigns well, they will be very effective in promoting your business.

Here are some tips when using banner advertising: Do not blindly place ads. Practice careful selection in posting them, with your target audience in mind, so to avoid wastage of money and other resources.

After making a shortlist of sites where to place your ads, get prominent ad spots ? not some bottom space which merits little or no attention.

Make your ads stand out from the rest of your competition who are most likely selling similar products ? without irritating visitors with irritating colors or content which do not make sense.

Do some testing ? post different types of ads, and test each one for effectiveness. Test ad spots also, and see which works best. Once you?ve determined which ones are the best, then you?re off to creating your most effective banner ad campaigns!

Email blasts. An email blast is the process of contacting a huge number of potential clients through email. Very similar to direct mail, an email blast differs hugely with the fact that you may personalize each message you send out ? which is a huge thing in terms of building business relationships.

How does it work, first, you must have a list of recipients ready ? maybe gathered through referrals, database purchase (although not recommended because of the lack of controlled standards), or by gathering all the email addresses of former clients. Design a template, working the content so that it answers the need of the recipients.

Then merge the email body with the contact list ? and voila, your email blast is sent in one go.

How can email blasts be effective? First, you can send your potential clients regular updates and emails to promote your products or your brand. This can also be effective in increasing repeat sales from past customers. The point is, emails remind people of the existence of your business. The truth is, there are so many people out there who are wondering ?if you?re still in business,? so remind them that you are still there to fill in their need. Sending regular emails keeps you on top of mind recall ? allowing no or very little opportunity for your competition to creep up on a former client?s need and demand.

There are various ways to get your brand going virtually. Try any one of these techniques, and notice how marketing for the now generation is much more thorough and easier. No excuse for you not to succeed!

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