Friday, April 20, 2012

New Moon in Taurus April 20 & 21, 2012 ? Aloha Astro

The new moon in the fixed earth sign of sensual, materialistic, grounded Taurus arrives in the very early morning hours of the 21st, but I am posting a look at the energy today, because it feels like a new moon energetically and this serves as a heads up for tomorrow, as well. I am in the midst of many projects and may not be writing horoscopes consistently for the next few weeks. It seems the best way for me to deal with the current transit of Uranus and Mars to my own natal chart is to do what seems most important in each present moment. To resist the continual changes in schedule is futile. Personal astrological consultations are still at the top of my list, with a turn around time of approximately 4 days now on a reading. This Taurus new moon falls in the 12th house of my chart. Coincidentally, I am returning to a course of spiritual study and consciousness awakening ? or remembering ? that I let slip almost a year ago. What area of your life needs more grounding, methodical effort, comfort, peace, security, gratitude or appreciation? Look below to see what area of life is being affected most by this new moon. If you know your rising sign, read for that, too, for the greatest accuracy.

When I think of Taurus, I think of lushness, comfort, peace and contentment. The planet Venus rules this loyal, kind, enduring, patient, steady earth sign. The Taurus new moon makes all the senses more alive and brings an appreciation of things that enhance or please the senses. It is also a time to apply yourself and work with a plan and a purpose, toward a goal that brings abundance, security, or some other benefit. Most obviously, for those who garden, it is time to get those veggies and flowers started or in the ground. The sun, freshly arrived in the sign of Taurus, is forming a Grand Trine in earth, enhancing the energy of Mars in Virgo, and Pluto in Capricorn. When the moon joins the sun late tonight/early tomorrow morning, the Grand Trine can help you solidify practical plans, or manifest something on the material level. It can be the perfect creative wave of epic proportion that you have been waiting for. Yes, I know the sun still opposes Saturn in Libra and Mars still opposes Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto squares Mercury conjunct Uranus. If there were no differences of opinion, impossible dreams to pursue, and the fear of change to deal with, would your life be perfect or would it be boring? Could you live entirely in the energetic frequency of this new moon in Taurus/Grand Trine in earth, or would you eventually create disturbances that are like the current oppositions and squares? That is something to consider as the new moon causes you to consider the new cycle ? where you are at, where you would like to be, and how you are going to get there. Abundant, growth enhancing Jupiter in Taurus forms a supportive trine to powerful Pluto in Capricorn. If you can stay positive, work hard and keep an attitude of gratitude and appreciation, you may find that this Jupiter/Pluto aspect intensifies the good in your life.

Moon is in your 2nd house of money, personal values and how you express them, self worth.

Moon is in your 1st house of self, the image you present physically and the energy you project to others, how you identify yourself.

Moon is in your 12th house of the subconscious, dream state, meditation, spirituality, the collective of society, addictions, places of retreat or healing such as prisons, hospitals, monasteries, ashrams, etc.

Moon is in your 11th house of friends, groups, organizations, wish fulfillment, social networking online, the stage, gallery or audience, fame, popularity.

Moon is in your 10th house of career, reputation, titles and authority, success in society, mastery, your home away from home or here you express parental energy in an employment situation.

Moon is in your 9th house of higher education, writing, publishing, teaching, philosophy, information gathering, foreign travel, other cultures, expanding personal horizons.

Moon is in your 8th house of sex, intimacy, death, taxes, insurance, investment, inheritance, business partnership, legal binding contracts and their undoing ? such as divorce, metaphysics and the dissolving of boundaries between people.

Moon is in your 7th house of marriage, partnership, hidden enemies or hidden aspects of yourself.

Moon is in your 6th house of health, hygiene, habits, dharmic work, purpose, service related work.

Moon is in your 5th house of creativity, children, pets, the arts, fun, gambling, competitive games, crafts, hobbies, gardening, entertainment, vacations, cooking ? anything creative and pleasurable.

Moon is in your 4th house of home, family, psychological foundations, core beliefs, sometimes the mother, but can represent either parent.

Moon is in your 3rd house of imagination, formative thoughts, communication, siblings, early childhood education, neighbors and neighborhood, local travel, politics and sales work.

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