Monday, May 21, 2012

The One That Got Away

The One That Got Away

In another life...I would be your girl...We'd keep all our promises...Be us against the world. In another life...I would make you stay...So I don't have to say...You were the one that got away...


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Can I reserve Female 2 of the people that left??

Last edited by youloveme? on Sun May 20, 2012 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Can I reserve the one that got away #2? And I'd like a girl character and am really unfamiliar with rping homosexual relationships so if I can have the character, could you please put that the other #2 person as a male?

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I'd like to reserve character #3, as a female.

I am not, in fact, a woman. Apparently, I have to affirm this. :v

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The Painkiller
Member for 1 years

@ youloveme? yep sure thing.

@ akjadestar - reserved for female #2

@ The Painkiller #3 is reserved for you.

Thanks for taking interest peeps, just to let you know I'm gonna give you 48 hours to get your character up. Unless you have some drastic reason as to why you can't PM me and let me know when you can get it in, other then that I think that will be enough time. I totally understand that school is a big deal right now for everyone that is in school still so if you need an extra day or two cause your taking finals or what no thats fine. But if you say its gonna take me a week or something, I would much rather give it to someone that can get it done sooner. Sorry if I sound like a bitch but that just the way I am.

Last edited by Love me Not on Sun May 20, 2012 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Love me Not
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Huh? Wow, I must have misread, I thought they had reserved #3... Darn, okay.

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May I reserve the one who got away #1. It's late so I'll make a character sheet tomorrow, if that's okay. Also, it's my first time Role playing a love story, so I'll take this as seriously as I can.

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@ akjadestar - Yep, I'm afraid so sorry about that X(

@ Tomoya - Yay! sure look forward to seeing him.

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Love me Not
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They edited their post a couple minutes after I posted,that explains it..

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@ akjadestar - Oh geez your right Im sorry I didn't even notice that I tell you what I'll change the reservations around cause thats just wrong. I'll PM them and let them know that you got it.

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Love me Not
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And there you have it, a character who has never had an easy life, was born on the wrong side of the tracks, and was considered a trouble maker. Hope I did well. :v

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The Painkiller
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@ The Painkiller - Awesome character! she's approved.

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Love me Not
Member for 0 years

So I got the popular person in situation 2? :) Alright, I'm glad to be in this rp, thanks!!!

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