Monday, September 3, 2012

Leading When You're Not A Leader - Business Consulting Firm

Although the majority of our consulting and coaching involves leaders, there?s one important point to make: real leaders don?t depend on the ?leader? label to launch their leadership legacy.

Here?s what I mean by that ? a leader by definition is one who is in a position to lead a group, organization, business and/or country. Because of this, many everyday employees don?t consider it the right time to begin their own leadership efforts. They are waiting for the promotion, the position, the award or the outside recognition ? to confirm that they are worthy of the status and authority that comes from being labeled a leader by others. The problem with this is that it seriously postpones their ability to actualize their potential.

Why wait for others to declare you a leader when you can decide to be one right now? What benefits does waiting bring you?

A real leader doesn?t depend on a title ? a real leader leads through everyday actions, ordinary events and unusual circumstances. If you?re waiting for someone else to call you a leader, you?ll be severely disappointed when that day finally comes and you realize nothing really changes besides the expectations others have for you. Taking it upon yourself to lead in ways you can, right now, gives you time to practice, experience to gain and confidence to muster.

To be completely honest, I think there?s a very valid reason most employees would rather follow than attempt to lead ? they?re afraid of failure. When you start holding yourself to higher standards, you have further to fall when you fail. This can be an intimidating fear to conquer; however, I encourage you to challenge yourself. Failing and making mistakes are risks that are worth your while, especially when they are done in efforts to achieve more, inspire more and become more. The best leaders aren?t the ones that avoid mistakes, they are the ones that make the most of the mistakes they make.

So, here are 5 simple suggestions on ways you can lead even when you?re not a ?leader?:
1. Encourage your coworkers. Notice their strengths, praise their accomplishments, and be aware of their contributions.
2. Notice opportunities for change and improvement ? and put together action plans on how to address these opportunities.
3. Strive to manage what you typically expect your manager to manage. This doesn?t mean that you should stop utilizing your manager and his/her resources and expertise ? it does mean that you should stop and ask yourself if you can do the things you typically ask him/her to do for you.
4. Make the most of leadership resources in the meantime. It?s never too early to start reading leadership blogs, soliciting feedback, or learning leadership lessons. Even if you can?t relate to everything, it will help to increase your knowledge and awareness for the future.
5. Invest in your network. Find mentors, meet with others you respect and admire, ask questions, and do your best to invest in establishing and solidifying your network of already-established leaders.

Don?t wait for someone else to deem you a leader ? do it yourself! You can define what you are and how you act and where you want to go ? right now. I?d love to hear from you ? what?s one way you try to lead even though it?s not your official title?


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