Wednesday, October 31, 2012

last post - Talk About Marriage

My husband forgets everything I tell him, and then he calls me a liar when I tell him I already told you several days ago.. We can have a conversation and I can remember every single detail of the conversation and he will call me a liar and say it never happened. But what bothers me the most is he can remember things that are important to him, but he cant remember a single thing that I want him to.

Yesterday was the straw the broke the camels back. I came home from work and our back door was wide open. Great we got broken into because he slept in AGAIN and was so rushed he forgot to lock the door. But no that was not it, we have a home alarm system so I look at the keypad and wonder why we were not notified. The alarm had some code on it so I look in the book and it says alarm armed and location 3 (back door) never closed. Ok so he set the alarm, opened the back door, and just walked away??? WTF!!!! So we get into a huge argument when he gets home, again he calls me a liar, that he would never do it.. Claims someone carefully broke into our house and didnt take anything, and then tried to set the alarm before leaving but couldn't make it work.. WTF AGAIN!!!!

I asked him if to prevent this from happening if he could PLEASE just use his key to lock the door each time he leaves. This set him off, he never forgets to lock the door he should not have to go out of his way to lock the door with his key. He had the never to say adding another thing to his to do list is unnecessary because we have home insurance that will cover a break in.

I just cant take being called a liar again!! I am alot smarter than him , I mean no offense by it but it bothers me to be called a liar when I am 100% sure I am not.

We are both in our late 20s, and he has the mind of a senior citizen! I am almost ready to walk out if I get called a liar one more time..

I have tried to talk to him about it and he basically calls me a liar when I say he calls me a liar all the time!!


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