Friday, October 19, 2012

Woman With Ovarian Cancer Shares Hair-Loss Story On YouTube

Diem Brown has ovarian cancer ? again. This time, she is sharing her story with the world.

The first time Brown faced cancer, she was only 23. Now 30, she is once again dealing with chemotherapy and the resulting loss of her hair.

Seven years ago, when she searched the Internet for videos of people who were going through similar issues, she ran into a roadblock. There were no videos of women in her situation ? only footage of celebrities like Natalie Portman and Britney Spears who had shaved their heads for a movie role or breakdown. The only photo or video she found that she felt a connection with was a shot of Melissa Ethridge during her appearacnce at the 2005 Grammy Awards while undergoing chemotherapy.

?I remember studying her picture on the Internet, amazed and proud she didn?t throw on a wig ? she was bald, beautiful and strong!? Brown shares in a blog she writes for People Magazine. ?She had no fear, and her picture made me want to give early 20-somethings another image they could Google if facing cancer.?

So, this second time around, she has decided to share her story.

The former MTV Real World/Road Rules Challenge contestant is taking videos of not only her hair loss, but also of the controversial fertility procedures she is undergoing.

?This week I wanted to do something a lil different,? Brown writes. ?One, because I?ve been really quite ill and haven?t been able to think straight through the medication haze to write a coherent blog. And two, because making a chemo hair loss video is something I have always wanted to do ? video of the hair loss process was something I had searched for the first time I had cancer.?

Brown captured video footage of her hardest hair loss days during her treatment. ?You go through waves where sometimes you?re fine and then sometimes you get upset because it?s frustrating,? she said in the video. ?It?s not the freaking hair so much as it?s more and more realization that you?re sick.?

?I wanted to videotape this because I wanted to show you what actually happens,? she said. ?I?m kind of fascinated with this process. The first time I kind of hid from it.?

?I?m actually pretty proud,? Brown said. ?I think I?m growing.?

[H/T Yahoo TV]

BONUS: 10 Incredibly Inspirational Moments on YouTube

View As Slideshow ?

1. The Fall of the Berlin Wall

The fall of the Berlin Wall changed Europe politically and the German city physically. Ushering in a new era of freedom for a new decade, this footage from 1989 offers powerful imagery of East and West reuniting after nearly 40 years of enforced separation.

2. The Moon Landing

We never get tired of watching this amazing clip. The 1969 Apollo 11 mission to the moon was a remarkable achievement for all of mankind, and its morale-boosting effects on the United States at the time of the Cold War can't be underestimated.

3. Tiananmen Square Protests

The anonymous "Tank Man" of this heart-stopping footage has never been identified, but the sight of him, unarmed, planted firmly in front of a line of tanks in Tiananmen Square in 1989 has become an enduring symbol of amazing courage.

4. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" Speech

It may have been a while since you last heard Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous speech in full, rather than just the highlights. Despite social change since 1963, there are still wider lessons to be drawn from the civil rights hero's historic words.

5. Professor Stephen Hawking's Zero-Gravity Flight

Not letting his ALS condition get in the way of a glittering academic career, Stephen Hawking is one of the most inspiring humans alive today. Here, at age 65, he experiences zero-gravity to help increase public interest in space exploration.

6. Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics

You could argue that America's first blow against Nazi Germany in the Second World War came in 1936, as African-American Jesse Owens, the grandson of a slave, competed in the Berlin Olympics. In the midst of Nazi propaganda about "Aryan superiority," Owens discredited Hitler's hideous racial assertions and came away with four gold medals.

7. Wright Brothers

We take flying for granted now, but this clip gives us a glimpse of how remarkable sustained mechanical flight was, as the Wright Brothers strove to achieve what many considered absolutely impossible.

8. President-Elect Barack Obama's Victory Speech

Although President Barack Obama's inauguration speech is the one that will be quoted and referenced in years to come, we think his victory speech from Grant Park in his home town of Chicago best captures the electric excitement, and historic magnitude of his election into office.

9. Roger Bannister Breaks the Four-Minute Mile

Although by today's standards, Bannister's physical achievement is not that impressive, what doesn't diminish over time is how inspiring his dedication and ultimate success is. Bannister broke the four-minute mile through sheer determination. When asked how he reached his goal, he explained, ?It?s the ability to take more out of yourself than you've got.?

10. Gandhi's Dandi Salt March

This incredible footage from 1930 shows a 61-year-old Gandhi on the famous Dandi March, in which he and his followers challenged British authority by protesting a salt tax with a peaceful 240-mile procession. The march was a seminal moment in the "Civil Disobedience Movement," a very influential non-violent initiative that would eventually lead to Indian independence from British rule.


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