Friday, January 25, 2013

Disgruntled Members Complaints | Roots Natural Health


I am writing to apologize to all of the Roots Natural Health clients who have come to classes the past few months and have experienced extreme discombobulation with the class schedule and the lack of notice of cancellation and scheduling changes.

The honest truth: I have worked solo for the past 4 years conducting one-on-one personal training sessions as a primary source of business. I utilized Groupon and LIving social to bring people in the door and to get classes started. The management of the new influx of clients and classes, memberships, and contact information to notify people of attendance remaining, as well as class updates and scheduling is in itself a full time job. We purchased a software to help with those issues, but I am not even sure of how to use the software let alone design it, format it, and integrate it.

We had a series of things happen in the past 6 weeks that have set me back personally, financially, spiritually, physically, and in business. Your complaints and comments are justified and I understand your frustration and anger. The vision and dream is to create a space for health, fitness,and a unique and ?outside the box-gym? experience. I feel as if I have let you down and have pissed more people off then have actually helped.

*We would like to keep the studio going and would like to have a community meeting and involvement from more people to change things back into a successful and enjoyable place to do yoga, and exercise. ?WE? are a group of people who want to transform the current model into a non-profit community with better management, website management, marketing and advertising.

*The studio has outgrown me personally. I have put so much pressure on myself to achieve such a wonderful dream, that I feel as if I have sacrificed my personal health and well being to keep the doors open. You all are what this is about, not me.

I am stepping down as owner and handing the torch over to the folks that have expressed desire to manage and operate the business and turn it into a non-profit center based on community and unity.

I am a skilled trainer, yoga enthusiast and holistic health coach. I am NOT a web tech, office manager, software developer, marketing guru, or cleaner. I have exasperated my personal resources attempting to do all of those things on a shoestring budget and have failed miserably. The current state is that I make a decision to quit, turn the other direction and run, or admit to my failure.

I am admitting to my failure. I am also apologizing from the depth of my heart for the state of disorganization.


Please consider joining Roots as a non-profit, and attending a community open house:

Tuesday February 5th at 8pm.

As you know we had a series of events occur all at once that have left a huge burden on my shoulders to figure out.

1) No financial backing. No funding. No money. There was a business partnership opportunity that turned out to be a nightmare. I trippled my over head and took on a heavy financial obligation to remodel the spa side, the garage, and the yoga studio. When the business partnership failed, I made a decision to downsize and am now picking up the pieces financially of a $10,000.00 remodel expense.

2) Website reconstruction: Our previous website was hacked into. I tried to fix it myself, and I ended up deleting it. Now we have to rebuild and remodel this site.

3) Flood and construction: has not been confirmed on when it will be finished, when contractors will be in or out of the studio. We currently have no functional bathroom. We are working on sorting that out but still have no confirmation on the details.

4) Chelah, Owner and founder, has hit a wall and tapped all of her resources with a feeling of total failure and despair over having spent 10+ years in college, over $150,000.00, ?and considerable time and energy to build something for YOU, to experience the joy and glory of health and fitness. There are a few things that should not be compromised in life. Happiness, health and freedom. I have compromised my personal health, happiness and freedom for the sake of building a business to promote those very things.
I am working on my own health right now to regain strength and faith in this ?rainbow? dream.

We have gone through a lot as a new business and I am personally taking the blame, as well as doing everything possible to mend the situation. I will be glad to do what I can to make the studio grow and to keep the space for you to practice yoga and fitness.

Please forgive me.

This is a grass roots organization and I have attempted to go at this alone. ?Hiring people to help carry the load of business management with no financial backing is obviously not the best route. This ?big hairy audacious goal? has turned into a ?big hairy audacious mess?.

*THE GOOD NEWS: I don?t quit that easily. We have been approached by serious supporters who want to promote our company with a $40 MILLION DOLLAR MARKETING AND VIDEO PRODUCTION company BACKING!

Video, music, media, and a new non-profit structure IS UNDERWAY! We would like to run the studio sort of like a church. As a body, we all have hands, feet and voices to work together to make a solid and unique lasting foundation that supports the vision, mission, purpose ?and ?dream. WE need a dream team to go with it.


*Please stay tuned as we finish the website, the reconstruction of the studio, and develop the business and planning.

Please email and RSVP on a community event that will be held on:


February 5th?

AT 8 pm.

We will have a potluck, music with live DJ?s, guitar, class demos, community meditation, ?as well as introductions to the non-profit and it?s new supporters.

PLEASE RSVP and do not hesitate to express your thoughts and feelings. As a way to say thank you, I would like to offer you all extra months of classes.

Please note that your time, money and energy to attend classes is not taken lightly, and I would like to thank you as well as recognize the importance and value you all have added to the start up of this movement, the start-up of something unique. The start-up and foundation of a member supported non-profit center for healing arts and holistic fitness. Lets get together and express our cares, concerns, frustrations, and thoughts in ?a way that solves problems and brings creative solutions.

We need volunteers and helpers, supporters, and finances to keep the doors open. Below is a list and volunteer positions open.


-Office management

-Web design


-Social Media/ bloggers/ facebook/ twitter/ newsletter writer

-Secretary or recpetionist

-Yoga instructors

-Computer/ printer (we lost ours in the flood).

-Funding. We are a 501 C 3 Minnesota based non-profit and can offer tax deductions & benefits for donations and member support.

-Flyers need to be handed out, and people need to be notified of the studio. Creative marketing and your involvement goes a long way.

*The vision: To become a thriving studio that brings health, happiness, harmony, education, economic support to the community, and restoration to your body.

Mission: To provide health and healing services, products and methods that work and take the guess work out.

Purpose: To provide holistic health and fitness services and to teach and train others to live life to the fullest in health, happiness and harmony.



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