Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Top 5 Traffic Methods To - Work On the Internet

This article discusses the top 5 methods of generating unique traffic to your business website to improve leads generation, sales and profit taking.

Your business cannot thrive online if you don't know how to generate targeted traffic to your website. Here are your top 5 traffic generation gems.

1. Build an email list: After building your business website the next most important thing you need is a mailing list. A mailing list is the lifeblood of your online business sales my friend. It is often said and rightly so that the money is in the list. You need to get a good auto-responder service provider to help manage your mailing list efficiently.

2. You need to start a business promotion blog: No business can survive without aggressive marketing and promotion on and offline. The best known tool for online business website promotion is a blog. Use the blog to generate unique and high quality content focusing on your niche market. You should also use the blog to teach and inform your target market about your product or service. The major function of a business promotion blog is to send targeted traffic to the main site.

3. Make use of article marketing to generate targeted traffic: Article marketing is a highly effect way of generating qualified traffic to you business website. It is easy, simple and profitable method of driving useful visitors to your site. All you need is to write unique and high quality 500 words long articles and submit them to various article directories on the internet. These articles should have links pointing back to your business website and information about you in the author's bio box.

4. Video Marketing is an essential tool for traffic generation: Video marketing is the best method that you can use to generate targeted traffic to your business site. People are lazy by nature and they prefer listening than to read articles on an irritating and tiring computer screen. People trust human beings better than text messages my friend. A video marketing lets you communicate face to face with your customers. This helps to increase trust and thus leads conversion rates. You may want to work with YouTube.

5. Social Media Marketing: You need to open user accounts on various social media and social networks like Facebook and twitter. Social platforms are a major source of traffic if done properly and professionally. These platforms have millions of members and if used well you can drive huge chunks of targeted traffic to your business website to grow sales and revenue generation.

Jon Leuty is a successful internet marketer who is dedicated to helping others succeed online. To find out more about Jon and to grab some awesome FREE training & FREE gifts ?go to ?


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